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Tag: vrealizeautomation
Upgrade Salt Master on vRA SSC Appliance
Upgrading vRA SSC only upgrades SaltStack Config console components, for compatibility reason you are allowed to upgrade Salt Master(s) as per your convenience. Here is how do it.
vRealize Automation SaltStack Config (vRA SSC) comes with Role Based Access Control (RBAC) allowing you to define permission settings for multiple users. vRA SSC comes with few built-in roles that cannot be deleted: User, Administrator and Superuser. These roles covers the most common requirements, but of course you are allowed to crate user-defined roles for […]
Running a business is art. Cloud Operating Model helps you becoming an artist of success.
vRA SaltStack Config – Pillars
Salt Pillars are key elements to have parametric Salt State files allowing them to be more flexible and reusable. Here is an introduction to Salt Pillar
vRA SaltStack Config – Top Files
So far we played with Salt State files to apply configurations to Minions and we learned that these are generic by design and describe only what configuration should be achieved. And we used the concept of Targeting to specify where one, or more, State should be applied. In this post I’ll try to cover a different […]
Salt relies on files (e.g. State files, Reactor config files, Pillars, etc.), for this reason it comes with a simple file server suitable for distributing files to the Salt Minions. The file server is a stateless ZeroMQ server that comes with the Salt Master. The main goal of the Salt file server is to present […]
These are the early days of the integration between vRealize Automation and vRealize Automation SaltStack Config (formerly know as SaltStack Enterprise) and some things are yet to come. For instance, today in the 8.4 version if you deprovision a VM in vRA the related Salt Minion key is not deleted in vRA SaltStack Config, this […]
vRA SaltStack Config – Install with vRLCM
vRA SaltStack Config supports two installation methods: Standard installation – Installs the architectural components needed for SaltStack Config in four or more separate nodes. vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager (vRLCM) installation – Installs SaltStack Config and all of its architectural components on a single node. This method also installs the Salt master host and configures a required vRealize Automation property group. In this blog post […]
In the previous post we introduced State Files and explored a bit how they allow a declarative approach to configuration management. We also covered how States Files can be applied to Targets through Commands and Jobs and we will explore in the future the concept of Highstate. All of this is human initiated: an operator […]